2020 trip to Nepal——Cherish the same ideals and follow the same path

2020/1/4 19:59:47 times

      Kathmandu (Xisong report) on the morning of January 4, 2020, the Lumbini Buddha Holy Land Charity Foundation (Hong Kong) went to Kathmandu to participate in the delegation of "Coming for peace" Praying and Chanting Ceremony. In the conference hall of the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Professor G.M. Gurung, senior sociologist and famous social activist of Nepal, Ms. Sattva Zhang, Secretary General of World Peace Association and Master Khenpo Sangye Kalsang discussed the project of "Buddha Peace Square" and "Lumbini Buddhist Cultural Special Economic Zone - world Peace City".


Chairman Yu Jingshan (the first on the left), Professor Ganeshman Gulong (the first on the right), Ms. Sattva Zhang (the second on the right), Master Sangye kunbu (the third on the right)

      Chairman Yu introduced the concept, preliminary planning, influence and contribution of the project to Nepal's future economy. Everyone gave full affirmation to this project and put forward positive suggestions. Everyone agreed that this project will play a positive and huge role in promoting Buddhism and economic development of Nepal. They are very grateful to the chairman of the charity foundation for the construction of Lumbini Buddha Holy Land and his delegation for their contributions to Nepal's economic development.


All members of the delegation of the Lumbini Buddha Holy Land Charity Foundation(Hong Kong) and Master Kumbum Samye (fifth from the left), senior sociologist of Nepal and famous social activist professor Ganeshman Gulong (fourth from the left), Secretary General of the World Peace Association Ms Sattva Zhang (fourth from the right)

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