2020 trip to Nepal—— peace and development

2020/1/3 19:54:42 times

       Kathmandu (Xisong report) on January 3, 2020, the National Government of Nepal and the World Peace Association jointly held a grand "Coming for peace" conference in Kathmandu, which attracted the attention of the global multimedia.

       After the praying and chanting ceremony, Chairman Yu Jingshan of Lumbini Buddha holy Land Charity Foundation (Hong Kong), who was invited to attend the event, received an exclusive interview from ifeng.com, financial perspective, Tencent video and other news media. In an interview, Chairman Yu made an important elaboration on two major themes of the world today: "Peace" and "Development". He said: "Peace" is the pursuit and good wish of the people all over the world. It is the basis and guarantee for the realization of material civilization. "Development" is the purpose. Only economic development can improve people's livelihood and enable people to live a happy and happy life. Only people's happiness and well-being can give blessing to "peace" so that "peace" can last for a long time.  Peace starts and returns to the virtuous circle of peace. The peaceful coexistence of various religions in Nepal demonstrates the inclusiveness and compassion of the Nepalese people and a peaceful environment for economic development. Our foundation came to Nepal this time to fully explore and integrate Nepal's unique natural resources and unique cultural resources - Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha. We will create an innovative mode of economic development driven by Buddhist culture, create more opportunities for development, and realize the vision of "Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali" put forward by the Prime Minister of Nepal as soon as possible.


Chairman Yu Jingshan of Lumbini Buddha Holy Land Charity Foundation (Hong Kong) received an exclusive interview with ifeng.com, financial perspective, Tencent video and other news media

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