
The Buddha

    The founder of Buddhism was siddhartha Gautama, prince of the kingdom of kapilavastu (now the southern border of Nepal) in ancient India, a member of the sakyamuni clan.Buddhists honor him as "sakyamuni," which means "sakyamuni sage."About the life and death of sakyamuni, the southern Buddhism and the northern Buddhism are different.According to northern Buddhism, sakyamuni was born in 565 BC and died in 485 BC, around the same time as Confucius in China.According to southern Buddhism, he was born and died from 623 BC to 544 BC, or from 633 BC to 543 BC.

    Siddhartha Gautama's father was dhodhana.King suddhodhana was very fond of the prince, and siddhartha had lived a happy life since childhood.The young prince had never heard of the CARES and troubles and misfortunes of the world, and had never thought of the sufferings of life, of poverty, of sickness, of old age.Siddhartha had never left the palatial court since he was a child, and he had never left the beautiful court;Partying, drinking, enjoy the game.When he comes of age, he marries his wife and begets his son.But the chance to travel, the first contact with the harsh, brutal reality, it is deeply moved.According to legend, the prince met four types of people when he was traveling in the sun, and thus had an Epiphany.One was an old man dying, one was a sick man, one was a dead man to be buried.Later, he met a poor monk.From this man who had attained the true balance of his soul, the young prince learned how to win his freedom from the afflictions of old age, sickness, and death, and resolved to break away from home life, and to practice ascetic practices for relief.

    Siddhartha abandoned his palace, left his relatives, secretly left, and became a monk.He first learned meditation from the pioneers of the "number theory" in Hinduism, araloga-rama and utoga-rama.After that, he went to the forest near the neren chan river and practiced ascetic practice alone for six years.However, neither pure discipline nor deliberate self-hardship can make the young ascetic wish.He finally realized that asceticism was not the right path to liberation.After much meditation, he finally came to his senses.He was convinced that neither the lust for pleasure nor the vow of asceticism was true.The former is "lustful with eyes, lustful with ears, lustful with nose, lustful with tongue, lustful with body, lustful with fineness and smoothness.The latter "learned the way by losing one's body" and "all other ways".The right way is the way without pain and joy, that is, sitting meditation and thinking essence.According to the legend, Gautama sat alone under the bodhi tree, suddenly "light of heart", got great enlightenment, and from then on realized the enlightenment to become Buddha, become Buddha, that is, become right.

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