Meaning, purpose and mission

Lumbini Buddha shrine construction charity foundation general association

       Buddhism has been born for more than 2500 years, and great changes and progress have taken place in human society for more than 2000 years. In the process of human society development, Buddhist culture has played an important role in social progress, especially in Asia, where Buddhist culture has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and is an indispensable spiritual support for people's life and work. At present, there are more than one billion believers in the world, accounting for one seventh of the world's population. Such a large group of believers can see the important position and influence of Buddhist culture in people's lives. Looking at all major sects in the world, we can see that religious culture is everywhere on the earth, and there is religious culture in places where there are human beings. People live and work in peace and harmony under the influence of religious culture. However, we can also see that there are differences in the cognition of religious culture between some regions and a few people, and even some people with evil ideas use religion to provoke right and wrong Create trouble and cause social instability in some areas. Therefore, what we should do today is to represent the positive energy of the society, carry forward the spirit of Buddhism, and believe in Buddhism, so as to make due contributions to the harmonious development of human society!

       Nepal Lumbini is the birthplace of our great Buddhist ancestor Sakyamuni and a world-class cultural holy land. In 1997, it was listed in the world historical and cultural heritage by UNESCO, and fully supported the national government of Nepal to carry out the development and protection of Lumbini. At the same time, it received the response from all countries in the world, and built their own temples in Lumbini. Over the years, although it has been paid attention to, the number of pilgrims every year is extremely limited. The main reason is that the local transportation is inconvenient, the living facilities are not perfect, and it is still in a relatively backward situation, which is one of the objective factors. But more importantly, the core position of the holy land of Buddha has not been effectively established. Throughout the major sects, there are places where the Pope was born or where the Pope was worshiped The habit of the birthplace of religion forms the holy status of the Pope. For thousands of years, it has formed scale effect, which plays an important role and makes great contribution to the spread of religious culture and economic construction.

       However, there is no such effect in Lumbini, the birthplace of our Buddha. There are few believers and believers going to Lumbini every year. They are scattered, loose and not large-scale, so their contribution to the local area is very limited. There are no large-scale people going to the holy land for pilgrimage. Although there are objective reasons, we believe that the main architecture of Lumbini park is Buddha related It is a heritage park with the theme of exploring the historical process of Buddha's birth.

      Today is the age of Internet, people need all kinds of information at their fingertips, without having to travel thousands of mountains and rivers to get scriptures. Therefore, we think it is very necessary to rebuild the core position of the Buddhist holy land of Lumbini, build related facilities such as Buddhist temples, worship squares, etc., build ancestral temples, recognize their ancestors and return to their families, which will inevitably bring many believers to return to their homes. The construction of Lumbini Buddhist temples is of great significance to the world World peace, people's happy life and harmonious social development will all have a positive impact and great contribution.

       To sum up, the significance and purpose of the establishment of this association is to unite the Buddhist believers all over the world to build the Holy Land in our hearts, to build Lumbini into the core holy land for worshiping the ancestors of Buddhism, and to remember the great man "Gautama Siddhartha" who has brought great influence and spiritual support to human thought! Let's work together to achieve the grand goal of building the holy land of Lumbini Buddha as soon as possible!

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