Master lianchi

2019/4/8 14:30:39 times

Introduction to master lianchi

  The cloud 祩 macros (b) not (1535-1615) (YiMao), monks in the Ming dynasty, Chinese jodo yinguang, 8.祩 macros, vulgar, shen, name fo hui, nicknamed the lotus pool, because of their stable hangzhou cloud temple, also known as the cloud master.With purple bai zhen, han shan DE qing, ou yi zhi xu and known as the Ming dynasty four eminent monks.The combination of zen and zen, the ten covenants, the monks as law.Emperor yongzheng of qing dynasty gave the title jing miajin zen master.

   Master lotus pond brief


    In my life

    Master hangzhou renhe renshi, Ming dynasty jiajing 14 years (1535) was born into a famous family.Father's name is DE jian, no. Ming zhai, mother zhou shi.At the beginning of the Confucianism, 17 years old to fill the students, with knowledge and filial piety known in the village.When he was a layman, there was an old woman in the house next to him,


    The master asked her why, and the old woman replied, "my late husband holds the name of Buddha. When he died, he died without any illness.The master has a deep root and is deeply moved by his words. He believes in the magic of Buddhism and sends his heart to the pure land.Once the book "life and death matter" four words in the desk to self - warning.Later, because his parents died one after another, he felt very sad, so he had a deeper understanding of the impermanence of life and death in Buddhism.Then he bid farewell to his wife, tang, and decided to become a monk. He said, "love is not always.And seven off word (said the world's famous pet, children affair, and so on, to leave off one by one, to Ming monks ambition, the word is divided into seven so name), then 45 years jiajing of Ming dynasty (1566 AD) for xishan one temple, a monk or nun day monk, in zhao city temple clean jade counsel to the three places, large ring policy since the rod to travel, all over and around xian good knowledge.North tour of wutai, feeling manjusri light, into the capital to visit xiao yan debao zen master, also have some enlightenment, in the way home to dongchang, suddenly wen qiao floor drum and enlightenment, and write ji said: "twenty years ago things suspicious, three thousand li affair why strange?Burning incense and throwing halberd is like a dream, and the magic Buddha is always fighting for right and wrong."

      Master qualities

    In the fifth year of longqing (1571 AD), I entered yunqi mountain in hangzhou, where the landscape is quiet and quiet. It is easy to live and practice.There were tigers in the mountains, and the villagers suffered a lot from them. The master showed mercy and gave food to Buddha, and soon the tigers died.When the year old also met the hyperdynamic drought, the villagers begged the master for rain to solve the disaster, the master hit the wooden fish, led the crowd around the ridge of the field to pray Buddha, for a moment just, as far as, under the rain.The people in the village were overjoyed, had great faith in Buddhism, and organized themselves to build a monastery for the master.Since then, the teacher in the ashram, pudu group meng.Four Buddha son heard the wind and to the sea gathered, a total of pure practice, gradually become a jungle.


        After the master presided over the ashram, he focused on the practice of true practice, taking the precepts as the foundation and the pure land as the conversion.Both zen and pure land were put forward and put equal emphasis on, and hongzong performed Buddhism for a long time. At this time, the northern and southern precepts were long abolished.He also wrote about the legal system and the standard texts, such as sami qiaolu, gu jie bian meng, and bodhisattva jie fa Yin, so that believers could learn the precepts.He advocated abstinence from killing and releasing animals, and set up a releasing pool and a releasing institute in the temple.At the same time, it also revised the yoga yankou, the water and land rules, and the two hours of dawn recitation and other buddhist dharma rules and regulations.These gauges are still in use today.


        In life, simple and simple, always covered by linen, a linen drapery used for decades, daily practice is self-reliant.There are 32 self-policing rules.Treat people with compassion, show dignity without losing gentleness, take pains to conquer all sentient beings with great compassion for the sake of the dojo and the masses.

        Passed away

        The master devoted his life to carrying forward the pure land dharma, presided over the yunqi Taoist temple for more than 40 years, taught by word of mouth and deeds and led numerous buddhist sons to return to the pure land, and predicted in the last half month before his death. In the 43rd year of wanli (1615), he first went to the city to separate all his disciples and elders, and then returned to the temple to provide tea soup for all the monks.On the first day of July, the court said to the public, "tomorrow I go!".In the evening, the master showed micro disease, close his eyes sitting quietly in zhang shi.The sun evening, all disciples and so on please leave a posthumous instruction, the master opened his eyes: "the public honest Buddha, do not knead strange, do not break my rules."He read the Buddha to the west and died.There was one monk at the age of eighty, and fifty at the age of fifty.Disciple bongli into the pagoda at the foot of the five clouds.From the west of the teachers and students of qizu province to the west of lianchi, there was an interval of more than 550 years.During this period of time, the dhamma is declining and the pure Buddhism is weak. Although some eminent monks have appeared to carry forward the pure land and recite Buddhism to save the decline of the dhamma, they have achieved great success.Witness all the history books, their practice is strict, the degree of spare no effort, when the lotus pool master is one of the most outstanding.

      Master lianchi thought

  Born at the end of the Ming dynasty when dharma and Taoism were declining, master lianchi revived the lotus style with his own true practice and practical learning.


Carry pure land to collect each clan

Since the yongming dynasty extended life, the master has been the one who integrates zen and pure teachings into one.Master pain to read the end dharma sentient beings, sweeping the shadow of the door, no pure land, if crazy;Teach the lecturer, according to the interpretation, said not enough food.Such as the method of thinking, chanting a door, cross-sectional, life and death's taken three root, so single mention of the pure land, and the "MiTuo shu chao more than ten thousands of words, always hold a round, all the things, refers to the heart.Master lianchi interpretation "one mind is not disorderly" cloud: one mind, focus on the environment also;No disorder, no delusion, no disorder, have something.As before remember, read aloud phase to continue, there are no two, the letter force achievement, name matter one mind, belongs to the gate.As the precursor research, know to read read, more than two things;Non - have non - without, from the four sentences, the view of the achievement, from the heart, the name of one mind, belongs to the wisdom of the gate, all die, so have both.This unity is reality, which is the same as dharma, which is the same as dingzhong, which is bodhisattva's chanting of samadhi, which is dharma's direct meditation, which is the transformation of knowledge into wisdom.We know that the Buddha is the master of all dharma.


Some people questioned the master: homo sapiens should be straight to understand zen, and now just praise the pure land, there will be no obsession, unclear reason?The master replied: there are no two reducers, there are many doors, I know this, zen pure land, the same destination....If blindly said that no words think high, then the endowment of slightly beneficial, see two books on the theory, remember a few cases, even if it can, how difficult?And you since thorough from the heart everywhere pure land, I try to ask you, still be willing to namely toilet asshole stop?Would you like to eat dogs and horses in the same trough?Still be willing to wash mo feed to feed a moro disease, pus blood excrement urinate all malady person, accumulate years and months is not?In this number, joy is safe, slightly do not mind, let you said mountain flat total west.The external tolerance, internal suspicion, is a pure unholy state is still divided, hate love is still in, but the mouth talk about the great sage excessive realm, the separation of no Buddhism, contempt for the past life, is deceiving heaven, willingly from ignorance, bitter!...Pure land law, like shallow and deep, like near and far.As difficult as it is easy, as easy as it is difficult...Today people more than good to say sanwu, good to say life and death, I do not know in this ground is very difficult to realize, that vertical super three.When stohanju came, how did he do?This earth sentient beings, most are western, and then realize.Born in the west a door, that cross three boundaries, absolutely.(" pure land ")


Master lian-chi practiced the practice of keeping the eyes of the positive dharma and the pure karma, dispelling the evil, enlightening the confused and thought-provoking, and making great contributions to the promotion of the pure Buddhism.

Chanting Buddha contains meditative virtues

Master hua yan yi is the harmony of all the interpretation of the buddhist practice, thought that buddhist practice is the master master dharma, including bodhisattva six degrees and ten thousand practices, including the essence of a great Tibetan catechism.Therefore, the master does not advocate reading Tibetan, should be dedicated to Buddha."Show to read the Tibetan language" cloud: "the interpretation of the Tibetan sutra, but just ring the wisdom...This precepts dinghui is saying Buddha dharma, what also?The precepts are for righteousness. If one can keep one mind on Buddha, all evil dare not enter, that is the precepts.Ding is the separation of righteousness, if the heart of Buddha, the heart is not different, that is also ding;If you look at the Buddha's voice clearly and clearly, you can also look at what you can read, you can't get it, that is, wisdom.If you read the Buddha, you will learn to practice wisdom. Why follow the text word by word and read the Tibetan sutra?"(" yun qi fa hui ") the master to the machine and teach, also can not die.


Master tao longdesheng, at that time, li tai after the dispatch of the white and purple robe asked for the dharma, master book gatha said: "...Repair fu do not repair wisdom, the end is not relief, two repair fu hui, the world's first.Sentient beings true wisdom, all with the confusion;To practice wisdom is important, but one mind is devoted to Buddha.Read the pole heart pure, the heart pure land also pure;Lotus plant is the best product in the middle.To see Buddha realize that there is no birth, to become Buddha;There are no lun pipi, is a great honor."

Ring's advise

Master deep sorrow end dharma sentient beings, karma deep dirty heavy, the decline of the discipline, discipline relaxation, at this time practice, should be based on the discipline.Therefore, the master rectified the rules. In the case of the long prohibition of the north and south precincts, the master ordered those who asked for precincts to have three clothes and receive them before the Buddha, and the master proved it.Already ordained person, half moon recites "buddhist net sutra precepts" and "bhikkhu all precepts".The abbot's ashram, with strict regulations, published the "ten monks' covenant", "ten things of self-cultivation" and so on.The duties of the deacons are well known. They will patrol at night.There is nothing wrong with a busa karma.Master discipline, strict practice, to save the practice of the exhausted.Thus becomes the master pure land thought one characteristic.


The master was deeply impressed by the simple and simple way of practicing Buddhism, taking all the roots, relying on the power of Buddha, and proving the supreme dharma of bodhi.


Cover this buddhist practice, regardless of men and women monks, regardless of noble and humble sages, but one mind is not disorderly, with its work size, nine product to life.No one in the world can bear to remember Buddha.If people with wealth, ready to use, just read Buddha;If people are poor, family small tired less, just read Buddha;If a person has a son, zong si to trust, just read Buddha;If a person without children, alone and free, just read Buddha;If the son of man is in filial piety and is being supported, he is just saying the Buddha;If the son of man goes against him and avoids love, he is just saying the Buddha;If a person is not sick, while the body is healthy, just to pray Buddha;If people are sick, close to impermanence, just read Buddha;If a man is old and has little time, he is just chanting Buddha;If people are young, spiritual qing li, just read Buddha;If a person is idle, the heart has no trouble, just pray Buddha;If people are busy, busy, just read Buddha;If people become a monk, free and easy, just read Buddha;If people at home, know is fire house, just read Buddha;If a man is wise and knows the pure land, he will just recite the Buddha;If a person is stupid and has no choice but to pray for Buddha;If a person holds the dharma, the dharma is a buddhist system, just to recite the Buddha;If people see the sutras, the sutras are Buddha said, just read Buddha;If people participate in meditation, zen is the heart of Buddha, just read Buddha;If people realize the enlightenment, enlightenment needs Buddha, just read Buddha;General advice to all people, urgent Buddha;Nine things to life, opening to see the Buddha;Seeing Buddha, hearing dharma, becoming Buddha;We know from the heart that we are buddhas.


The above French words, filled with the master's heart and wisdom, incisively point out the various kinds of people and other circumstances, are the opportunity to pray for the survival of the Buddha.The words and deeds of the master and the realm of enlightenment are worthy of the style of our ancestors.Master hanshan once praised master lianchi and said, "master lianchi's talent is enough to benefit the world.Savvy, enough to inherit the heart seal;Catechism, enough to fit the root machine;Discipline is enough to keep the law;Integrity, enough to alert people;Statute, enough to cure the time;Who could have done this if not for the dharma masters, who came to be cheerful and gloomy in the last days?"Famous master yi also wrote: "this is the cloud the old man, his stomach, calculate, most look latter-day practice, hundred thousand odd to blame not dry enough.Around his Sanskrit Chinese language, not out of the words of the side.So spinning million streams, pointing to the other side of the west.Only the bottom of the foot is solid, why the door and courtyard look good, 80 years of darkroom lamp, smell the wind makes the fool afraid."These comments show that master lianchi's style of moral learning can be called the eight patriarchs of pure Buddhism.

Thoughts to

Master in the pure land sutras, especially the Buddha said amitabha sutra.The teacher recited the Buddha by the name of the amitabha sutra, which is the simplest and most convenient method, and believed that the teacher could practice the amitabha sutra by reciting the Buddha's mind and entering the Buddha's knowledge.In volume 1 of the amitabha sutra, the teacher listed ten meanings in the sutra: 1.2. Because of the infinite method, it is very convenient;3. Excited the life and death of ordinary people, make the joy of the old;4. The two times of the guidance of the empty, do not cultivate pure land therefore;5. Encourage the bodhisattva to get close to the Buddha;6. All the root, all the degree of change;7. Protect and protect pedestrians with multiple barriers from depravity;8 refers to have a heart, get into no mind reason;9. Skillfully show the cause in the past, and realize that there is no cause;10. Practice the path of enlightenment, the path of enlightenment.Thus it can be seen that the Buddha's amitabha sutra is actually the outpouring of the Buddha's great compassion and compassion, and it is the only shortcut to life and death revealed by the Buddha for the suffering of all beings.


According to the teachings of the five schools of hua yan, the master judged the amitabha sutra to be the subject of dunjiao, and also the final and round teaching.Are taken in teaching, so the classics, thinner is so ordinary, but can you name that chanting, or to the pure land, must not turn back, to the body mee a matter, so different from teaching to calendar time practice, gradually gets a 隺 don't retreat;And through the final teachings, so chanting Buddha born in the pure land, then gradually become a Buddha;Points in the teaching, so that the pure water birds declared the woods, all play a tip, everywhere is the Buddha now, this is hua yan don't teach a take everything clear boundary, the boundless life of sutra says, can see ten Yu Baoshu brake, amitabha in the west and often also are ten square, etc., also including the meaning, so the two are taken in the teaching.


The master believed that to practice pure land, one must have faith, wish and action.The teacher took the amitabha sutra, "holding the name, one mind is not disorderly", for the purpose of practice, the function of chanting Buddha in one mind is not disorderly, the number is irrelevant.


One mind is not disorderly, when the division of "matter one mind is not disorderly" and "mind one mind is not disorderly" two aspects:


The heart of the matter lies in the memory of holding the name, that is, the name of Buddha in the mouth, the name of Buddha in the ear, the name of Buddha in the heart, the words are clear, read, sit, sit and lie, constantly, in addition to the Buddha, there are no other thoughts, so will be greed, hatred, ignorance and other annoyance, all outside the state of mind.To achieve this, that is, has been the letter of achievement, can be adjusted trouble, but can not break trouble.


When we listen to the name of Buddha, we should not only remember, but also look at the root of the memory.There are two stages to this unity: 1. To be able to read, to be able to read, there is nothing else that I can read, that is, there is no Buddha that I can read outside of my heart;In addition to the Buddha, there is no heart can read Buddha, only one mind.2 can read read all are non - have non - without, from the four, absolutely, indescribable ideas.That is, in the heart, can eliminate the feeling, whether or not to see, fit the pure nature of the body.This does not involve the matter phase, is the pure theory view, this view power achievement namely enters the tao position, may break the worry miscellaneous heart.


The history of the doctrine of the pure land of China written by yuanyue xinheng says: "this doctrine is the samadhi of the sutra of manjusri prajna, the sutra of huayan, and the dharma of the Buddha.In addition, there are three minds, namely, the most sincere heart in the book, the straight heart in the book, the pure heart in the book, and even the ten minds of huayan and baoji.The eight dharma of "jing Ming", twenty-one buddhist chanting dharma of deyun are also inseparable from this.This bodhisattva says Buddha samadhi, also known as damo pointed to zen, also said to say a Buddha, eight billion of life and death felony, really refers to this principle.


Thus it can be seen that although it is easy to recite the Buddha, its truth is unfathomable.Master lianchi's buddhist practice is extremely simple and profound. In simple practice, it contains profound philosophical thinking.The shallow teaching, which is based on chanting Buddhism and dharma, is a kind of theory that does not go deep into the pure land doctrine.


Master lian-chi also according to master zongmi's "puxian xingwengshuipin", divides buddhist chanting into four categories: name, image, vision and reality. These four categories are better than before, and they are the simplest way to practice Buddhism in name, and the most thorough way to practice Buddhism in reality.So, still can give attention to both the first and the last, not be don't go out conveniently.


This is the characteristic of master lianchi's pure land thought.On one mind not chaos can be divided into two kinds of one mind to explain, although it has been said since the beginning of the pure sense of renyue, but renyue and later days such as the day, cheng, such as the master, are based on the tiantai teaching position, speak one mind, to explain the three views of righteousness, is the righteousness as the basis for advocating the net integration of Taiwan.One of master lianchi's studies of the mind is that the body studies and examines the meaning obtained from the original mind, which is the direct zen of dharma, which is the theoretical basis for the unity of zen.But this theory is different from yongming yanshou and other teachers, yongming and other teachers in order to save the general shallow zen disciples on an empty stomach and high heart and do not practice the fact, so advised to practice Buddhism, still take zen, pure Buddhism as two.But to the lotus pool master, advocates the zen pure not two said, rather than with or double practice, this can be its characteristic.

   Master lianchi's works and anthologies


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