The dharma patriarch

2019/4/8 14:32:28 times

 Introduction to dharma patriarch

  Bodhidharma (Bodhidharma), literally translated as enlightenment.It claims to be the 28th ancestor of zen Buddhism, and is the ancestor of zen Buddhism in China. Therefore, Chinese zen Buddhism is also known as dharma Buddhism.Emperor wu of liang dynasty sailed to guangzhou.Emperor liang wudi believed in Buddhism and went to the southern capital of jianyang to meet emperor liang wudi. However, he did not agree with each other during the interview, so he crossed the river with a reed to the northern capital of wei dynasty, luoyang.After yu - men travel into life.


    According to the dunhuang unearthed materials, among the many writings that have been handed down since ancient times as the theory of dharma, only the "two-entry and four-line theory" seems to be the real thought of dharma.In the dharma biography > of the lengha teacher's book, tang jingjue has the following words: "slightly distinguish the four lines of the mahayana path", which was recorded by the dharma disciple tan Lin.According to tan Lin's preambles, he integrated dharma's words and deeds into a volume called dharma treatise.And dharma for zazen wrote "interpretation of lengha" a volume, also known as "dharma".These two papers are round and clean, then very popular.


    In addition, there are the buddhist monk's absolute view theory unearthed in dunhuang, the enlightenment bodhidharma's mindless view theory, bodhidharma's zen master's view door in southern India (one is called the theory of great multiplication), and the two volumes of the chan man's perspective inscribed in the fanyu temple of Korea, and the papers on dharma collected in the school magazine of suzuki, Japan.The content of these writings is roughly the same.


    The dharma of dharma's "two into four" is centered on the "wall view".Tang · zong mi "zen source zhu commentaries set two years on the preface" volume (dazheng 48·403c) : "dharma with the wall view to teach people to have peace of mind clouds, outside stop all kinds of edge, the heart is not breathing, the heart is like a wall, can enter the way, is not it sitting meditation method?'the so-called "two streams" are "rationalism" and "practice", rationalism belongs to the theoretical thinking of teaching, while "practice" belongs to practice, namely the doctrine of combining the theory with practice of zen dharma.


    The names of "rationing" and "xingjin" are found in the fifth chapter of "jingang sanmei sutra" translated by beiliang.But the sutra of vajra samadhi says that the reason is' sense view ', while 'wall view' is the unique zen method passed out by dharma.Daoism's comment on dharma Buddhism at the end of the chapter > of the biography of the continued eminent monk (dazheng 50·596c) : 'the mahayana wall view, with the highest achievement, has returned to the world as a city.'


    The characteristics of the wall view meditation method lie in the 'enlightenment of Buddhism by religion', that is, the enlightenment of faith is based on the criteria of the holy religion, and the subsequent teaching of faith is' not based on culture and religion ', that is, no longer relying on the meaning of language and religion.In the two - way to the main, line into the help.


    Later generations of Buddhism take "non-religious transmission, no text" as the sign of dharma Buddhism, because it is straight to study the Buddha heart as the final purpose of meditation, so also known as zen "Buddha heart".Some people also call the lengha Buddhism because the lengha sutra is only used to teach people to practice zen.


    The teacher of dharma has been untested, and there are various theories to trace back the tradition."The story of the lenga teachers" refers to nawadura as the first ancestor, bodhidharma as the second, and shenxiu as the seventh.The god society insists on the orthodox southern sect, affirms that dharma is the first ancestor of Chinese zen, and advocates that the sixth generation of dharma -- hui ke -- sengcan -- dao xin -- hong yan -- huineng is in the same line.Jiga night, tan yao translated "fu fazang karma" and so on the western heaven lineage.Tang · zhiju's biography of baolin (made in 801) takes India from kaya to shizi bhikkhu as the 24th generation, followed by bhashitha, not so much mi, prajnadora to bodhidharma as the 28th.This theory was inherited by the two masters of jing and yun in quanzhou in the southern tang dynasty (952), yongming yanshou's zong jinglu (957), and was followed by song daoyuan's jing DE chuandeng lu (1004) and qi song's chuanfa zhengji (1061), which later became the orthodox theory of zen.


    Dharma's disciples include hui ke, dao yu, seng (a dao) deputy and tan Lin.


    Daoyu, first known as huiyu, and huike were one of the first disciples of dharma.He learned zen dharma from dharma, focusing on personal practice and speaking little to others.His deeds have been unknown, only "jingde lantern record" volume three records from the end of the Buddha from xu huike medulla, tao yu bone, ni always hold meat, vice (that is, vice monk) skin legend, you can see the extent of his zen.

  Dharma ancestors related



True praise


"True from the temperament margin reason empty forget according to silence body to clear circle always always wonderful" write a circle, even if five words, seven words read are sex language.


Dharma master truth hymn (athatha)


A more upright posture harmoniously merged with emptiness


Kuangjie origin does not need to be born and die


All dharmas are divvied up from emptiness as if in illusion


If you know the heart of the non - form zhan does not move from the true


Second, the more concentrated turn to clear and clear think with the truth


Sirovan like and return to the air more hold empty or sick


The dharma itself is not empty from the thoughts of the ordinary people on evil and good


If we can not think of the way, we are not holy


Three more pure heart, such as empty all over the ten square without impassability


Mountains and rivers and stone walls are unable to block the constant sand world in it


The nature of the world, as true as sex, has no sex and is in harmony


Not only can all buddhas be so sentient, but they are all the same


There is neither extinction nor birth to the void dharma realm


No go, no come, no rise or fall


Can not afford to see the Buddha to see nameless can name the name of the true Buddha


Only those who are enlightened should be able to know why they are blind


Five prajna according to the boundless three thousand


If you want to see the truth as equal, be careful not to live in the present moment


Wonderful mystery non - heart test need not seek exhausted


If there is no thought, that is, if there is still no knowledge


The silence of


He asked, "what is silence? In this law, who is still and who is silent?"


One of them replied, "silence is the name of this unmoved heart. Silence is the name of the dharma."


The master said, "the heart is not silent; it should be silent.


He said, "all laws are empty, but they are empty.


The master said, "empty is empty, all dharma is empty.


Hearing the teacher's instruction, he realized.


The twenty-eighth gatha of ancestral bodhidharma


I was a native,


Pass the law to save the lost.


A flower has five leaves,


The result is natural.

The relevant information
