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Introduction to huineng master

  Huineng (638 -- 713) was a native of xinzhou (now xinxing county, guangdong province) in the tang dynasty.Ancestral home fanyang county is now hebei zhuozhou.The patriarch of zen Buddhism, huang mei five patriarch hong endure, inherited the dongshan method, is the sixth ancestor of zen, known as the sixth ancestor of zen.Tang xianzong posthumous master dajian chan.There are six ancestors of the "altar" spread in the world.He is one of the most influential buddhist monks in Chinese history.The real body of huineng is enshrined in the ling zhao pagoda of nanhua temple in shaoguan, guangdong province.

  The life of huineng


        In the early years

        "The six ancestors altar sutra huineng readme its ancestral home is a 22-year-old young man (now zhuozhou, hebei province), his father lo xingtao 瑫 relegated official after the lingnan early death.Gao Shitao huineng is considered the family from the north states have descendants, and Sun Changwu according to wang wei of the "six ancestors to Jackson inscriptions" in the content of the "no birth family name is the home of", should be family big family of huineng wouldn't a 22-year-old young man, have Sun Changwu further claims of ideas in the book "the altar sutra Buddha, in everyone with the clan hierarchical are inconsistent, about huineng was born a 22-year-old young man, have no matter how, according to reflect the traces of the old society.Mother li shi, hui neng from childhood to sell wood for a living.But five ZuHong who called him the "獦 Lao" (uncivilized pretty person), you can call themselves "voice is not straight.

        Convert to buddhist

        Hui neng father died early, the family poor to sell wood for a living.Once, hui neng sold wood on the way home to hear someone read the "diamond sutra", then initiation of the study of Buddhism.He went to huangmeishan to pay respects to wu zu hongyan and began his buddhist studies.

        At that time, hong yan was old and eager to pass on the dharma, so he ordered his disciples to do gatha to test their training level."The body is a bodhi tree, the mind is like a mirror, always wipe off the dust, do not make dust.Hong endure thought did not see the nature, did not pass clothing law.

        Hui neng also recited a gatha after hearing it, and asked someone to write the title on the wall: "bodhi is not a tree, nor is the mirror a Taiwan, there is nothing, where the dust.< / p > < p > hong endure to see, zhaohuineng visited the room to preach "diamond sutra", and pass the mantle, as the successor.At this time, liu zu was ordered to return to the south.

Shen hui ket

The body is a bodhi tree, the mind is like a mirror.Always wipe off, do not make dust.

Huineng ket

Bodhi is not a tree, nor a mirror.There is nothing, where the dust.

Huineng gatha (other editions)

Bodhi is not a tree, nor a mirror.Buddha nature is always clean, where there is dust.

The heart is a bodhi tree, as a mirror.The mirror is clean, where the dust.

Bodhi is not a tree, nor a mirror.There is nothing, why pretend to dust.

        The civil dispute

        After returning to lingnan, huineng arrived in guangzhou on the eighth day of the first lunar month in the first year of the tang dynasty (676).When master Yin zongfa was speaking the nirvana sutra in the temple, "when the wind blows the flags, a monk said: the wind moves;A monk said: flag movement;Arguing endlessly, hui neng entered yue: is not the wind, also is not the flag moves, benevolence moves ".The emperor heard the thrills.Know hui can get huang mei hong endure true, then worship for the teacher, and for the razor.

        Yi feng two years (677 years), shao shi wei kuai to the wind, the rate of colleagues into the mountain to invite hui neng into the city, in the big brahma temple lecture hall for the many, and give no phase ring.Monks and nuns collect more than a thousand people, the gatekeeper dharma sea catalogued his French.

        Huineng went to caoxi baolin temple (now nanhua temple in shaoguan, guangdong province) to promote zen and advocate "enlightenment", which influenced various sects in south China and was called "nanzong".At that time, six ancestor hui neng's brother, shen xiu, advocated "gradual enlightenment" in north China, known as the "north".In the first year of the dragon (705), wu zetian and tang zhongzong sent xue jian to cao xi to summon him to the capital.Hui neng to a long time in the mountains, old wind, but not to go.< / p > < p > xue jian plead, will record with return life.Zhong zong made offerings by giving him a monk's robe, a collar and five hundred pieces of silk.And order to change the name of baolin temple for the zhongxing temple, by shao shi shi repair, and give faquan temple, and huineng xinzhou house for the temple.

        In the second year of the reign of xuanzong of the tang dynasty (730), at the wuzha congress held in lutai, henan province (today's hua county), huineng's disciple heze shen hui argued against chongyuan and puji, the gatemasters of shenxiu, making "nanzong" the orthodox form of Chinese zen.

         Parinirvana nirvana

        In the first year of yanhe's reign (712), huineng returned to new south wales and built the tower.Xuanzong of the tang dynasty was born two years (713 years), died in the state of new zhou guoen temple, shi shou 76, tang xianzong posthumous title da jian zen master.After the death of huineng, its real body is not bad, was shipped back to shao (today's shaoguan, guangdong province) caoxi, its gatekeeper wrapped in heald painting, to maintain its image.Its real body statue is still preserved in nanhua temple, worship in the six ancestral hall.

        Liuzhou history of liu zongyuan "cao xi sixth ancestor dajian zen master memorial and preface".In the tenth year of yuan he (815), liu yuxi wrote the second monument of master cao xi at the request of cao xi's monk daolin.

   Master huineng's theory of Buddhism


Zen method

Hui neng's meditation is based on ding hui.He also thought that the awareness is the original, the worry is the original.The immediate realization is insight.He said that one should neither follow the path of good and evil, nor be silent, that is, one should learn extensively, know from the heart, and achieve all buddhas.Therefore, he does not sit quietly to collect the heart is zen, is all the time to live, sit, lie down movement cloud that in, also can experience the realm of zen.


Hui neng also said, "first of all, there is no thought for Buddhism", "Buddhism in the world, never mind the world."The so-called no thought, that is, although there is perception, and the heart is always empty."Self-dependence is the conversion to the true Buddha.He who converts himself, except in his own nature, is not good, jealous, heart of flattery, my heart, trying, light heart, slow heart, evil to see the heart, pay high heart and all the time is not good, often see their own mistakes, do not say the likes and dislikes of others, is self-conversion.You must always lower your mind and practice reverence, that is to say, you will gain insight, you will have no stagnation or impediment, you will be converted to yourself."

Books on

Huineng once warned monk fada not to misinterpret the meaning of the dharma sutra.Shen xiu explained the buddhist theory of "precepts, rules and wisdom" as follows: "all evils are not named precepts, all good practices are named hui, and self-purification means ding."However, huineng has a different explanation: "the mind is nothing but self-precept, the mind is not crazy self-wisdom, and the mind is not disorderly self-determination."However, hui neng also repeatedly stressed that "there is no dun jian, people have a blunt, hence the name dun jian", "the law is no dun jian.There is a sickness of confusion."", so it is considered that dun-chien is only a kana, Buddhism is only a multiplication, "said that is all.Reasonable return one."


Zen Buddhism has been confirmed by the lenga sutra for more than 100 years since dharma, so it is also called lengra master.Dharma's three disciples, daoxin, began to use sutras such as king kong as the canonical basis, and huineng replaced the lengha sutra with the simple meaning of the diamond sutra, whose purpose was to get rid of the ideological bondage of name and complicated, and go straight to enlightenment.


Main item: sutras of the altar of six ancestors


After huineng's death, his disciples compiled records of his experiences and comments into the altar sutra of the six patriarch, or the altar sutra for short, a zen classic.

Last:The end

Next:Master lianchi

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