A trip to Nepal in 2020 ——Coming for World Peace

2020/1/2 16:23:36 times

      Kathmandu (Xisong report): on January 3, 2020, the national government of Nepal and the World Peace Association jointly held a grand prayer Conference themed "coming for peace" for tens of thousands of people in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. The Lumbini Buddha Holy Land Charity Foundation (Hong Kong) is invited to participate in the prayer ceremony. Chairman Yu Jingshan and his delegation took a flight to Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, on the evening of January 1, 2020. The delegation was warmly received by the Organizing Committee of the conference at the airport and arranged to stay at the Crowne Plaza - Soaltee, Kathmandu.


Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu

      In addition, hundreds of Buddhist monks, such as Master Jingyao, President of the Chinese Buddhist Association in Taiwan, Master Shi Chanyu, President of the International Buddhist Association of the United States, and nearly ten thousand good-faith people from all over the world came to Kathmandu, Nepal to participate in the grand event.

      On the morning of January 2, 2020, the main members of the delegation of the Lumbini Buddha Holy Land Charity Foundation briefly introduced to Master Jingyao and Master Shi Chanyu about the concept of preparing to build "Buddha Peace Wquare" and "Lumbini Buddhist cultural Special Economic Zone - World Peace City" in the hotel. In his introduction, Chairman Yu said that peace is the concept of Buddhism and the expectation of people all over the world. Only in a peaceful environment can we develop economy, improve people's livelihood and benefit mankind. Therefore, we propose to build "Buddha Peace Square" in Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha, which starts from peace. During this period, through the commercial operation of "Lumbini Buddhist Cultural Special Economic Zone - World Peace City", we will provide necessary economic support for peace, and finally return to peace, forming a virtuous circle. "Peace – development- peace" is the guiding ideology of our initiative and implementation of this project. After listening, Master Jingyao and Master Shi Chanyu gave full affirmation to this proposal and idea, and put forward some guiding suggestions.


Listen to Master Jingyao's earnest teachings


Thank you, Master Jingyao, Master Shi Chanyu

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