Light the light of wisdom for common development 2019 boao forum religious leaders dialogue

2019/3/30 11:31:27 times

On the afternoon of March 29, the religious sub-forum of the boao forum for Asia 2019 was held at the boao international conference center in hainan province.(photo: hongfa temple, shenzhen)

Of the buddhist association of China, hainan province Buddhism association, vice chairman of Yin shun mage, Taiwan, chairman of the "Chinese buddhist church", Taipei tzu temple abbot net yao mage,, west temple abbot, chairman of the Hong Kong buddhist association, wide mage, the points of BBS theme "the same roots, concentric counterparts - let the light to illuminate the future of wisdom" for exciting conversation.(photo: hongfa temple, shenzhen)

Master Yin shun, vice chairman of Buddhism association of China and chairman of Buddhism association of hainan province (photo: hongfa temple, shenzhen)

Master jing yao, chairman of the "Chinese buddhist church" in Taiwan and abbot of the tzufa zen temple in Taipei (photo: hongfa temple, shenzhen)

Master kuan wan, chairman of the buddhist federation of Hong Kong and abbot of the western temple (photo: hongfa temple, shenzhen)

Conference site (photo: hongfa temple, shenzhen)

(photo: hongfa temple, shenzhen)


    On the afternoon of March 29, 2019, sponsored by the national religious affairs bureau 2019 boao Asia BBS religious BBS held in hainan boao international conference center, the buddhist association of China, hainan province Buddhism association, vice chairman of Yin shun mage, Taiwan, chairman of the "Chinese buddhist church", Taipei tzu temple abbot net yao mage,, west temple abbot, chairman of the Hong Kong buddhist association, wide mage, the points of BBS theme "the same roots, concentric counterparts - let the light to illuminate the future of wisdom" for good conversation, CCTV host Tian Wei presided over the BBS.

    Master Yin shun, vice chairman of the Buddhism association of China and chairman of the Buddhism association of hainan province, made an interesting and profound explanation on the theme of this session of the sub-forum.He said, today we three mages, although from different places, but we have the same clothes, the same hair, the same language, the same ancestors, the same nation, the same faith, this is "the same root".And the three of us, as buddhist disciples, want to bear the same burden to the family, continue Buddha's wisdom, self-altruism, self-measure people, our work for so many years, is around this spread out, this is "concentric walk", concentric is to be with what heart, is to be with bodhi heart, compassion heart, give up heart, no heart.Said "without me", I think of the President during a trip to Europe, with the Italian speaker of the house of representatives said the words, "I will not I," the people, no I'm altruistic state, is the state of bodhisattva, bodhisattva of the bear, because no I haven't heart respectively, there is no sea and shining sea, on both sides is on one side, all is one.Of course, not only the three of us, but all Chinese people have a basic aspiration to do well for themselves, others and all. This is in fact the vision of building a community with a Shared future for mankind advocated by Chinese President xi jinping. It is also the original intention of the boao forum for Asia to set up the sub-forum on religion.

    Five years boao, five years wish.Five years ago, Mr Xi in the opening ceremony of the boao Asia BBS, chairman of the call for constructing human destiny community, also this year, in boao Asia BBS of the organizing committee and the national religious affairs support and, helped by the state administration of religious affairs bureau, the first religious boao Asia BBS BBS, highlights the Chinese world all-around open self-confidence, at the same time taking advantage of boao sends out the sound of Chinese religion of peace, played a religion to promote global exchange of mutual learning different civilizations.

    All rivers return to the same place, into the sea;Friends know each other by heart.Five points in BBS, we not only to the northern and southern within the buddhist heritage, Tibetan monks are dialogue, also with Catholic, Islam, Taoism and other representatives of religious dialogue, also launched exchanges and dialogue between Chinese and western civilization, in the spirit of Buddhism and harmony, different religions, different civilization and wisdom together for Asia and the world peace and development, to contribute the Asian community building and human destiny.

    , chairman of the Taiwan "buddhist" China, Taipei tzu temple abbot net yao mage, said the main themes of the boao BBS is the common fate, act together, common development ", the three common premise is to must have a common understanding, our religious points BBS is the topic of "the same roots, concentric counterparts", the premise is to have a common understanding, BBS on the agreement provides a great platform to be all things to all people.The value of the boao religious sub-forum lies in the fact that the Chinese buddhist community, represented by master Yin shun, has devoted so much effort to building consensus among the world's religious communities through exchanges and dialogue, so that they can work together to fulfill their wishes and safeguard peace.

    "We are not only concerned about the same root, but also the absence of compassion and compassion," said master kuan wan, chairman of the buddhist federation of Hong Kong and abbot of the western monastery. "Buddhism transcends countries, RACES and religions."The boao sub-forum on religion, which has been held for five years, has fully embodied the spirit of compassion in Buddhism, embraced The Times, served the public, and inspired people in Asia and beyond to seek common ground while shelving differences and seek common development.

    When the host tian wei asked about the current situation of buddhist exchanges in mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, as well as how Buddhism can integrate into The Times and serve the public, master Yin shun said that blood is thicker than water. Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong are all one family.Master ben-hwan, his teacher, and master bai sheng, the first director of the "Chinese buddhist church" in Taiwan, were good brothers before they became monks.One of the cultural name CARDS of shenzhen, which has been holding blessing ceremony for 10 years, was inspired by attending the Ramadan dharma meeting of 1000 people presided over by master jingyao and the third world buddhist forum presided over by master kuanyun in Taiwan.In 2016, buddhist leaders from various countries in the pan-south China sea region gathered together for the first "shenzhen round table of Buddhism in the south China sea".Today, the south China sea institute of buddhist studies have since last year to recruit overseas XueSeng, 10 countries with generic southland regions to build "the Buddhism of the south China sea big data", working with Britain's Cambridge university launched the "buddhist cultural heritage digital museum", and has set up a "fund of the south China sea silk road", the establishment of "the culture of the south China sea institute", "BBS boao religious points and the south China sea Buddhism shenzhen roundtable, set up a secretariat of the Buddhism of the south China sea shenzhen roundtable, 10 countries clergy jointly write meditation textbooks, etc., but the core of all efforts, is to make ancient Buddhism in human social development, major transformation and adjustment of the historical period,We will renew our vigor and vitality, better integrate ourselves into The Times, serve the public and reassure people, and play a positive and unique role in the new endeavor to build a community of Shared future for mankind.

    It is true that one person's strength is small, but a drop of water can reflect the brilliance of the sun. When each of us buddhists integrates this drop of water into the great age, the sound of building a community with a Shared future for mankind will surely reverberate from the shores of the south China sea and spread throughout the world.

This forum interaction is very active, the host announced that the forum ended after the audience still for a long time.

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