The boao forum for Asia "dialogue of religious leaders" sub-forum held a media meeting

2019/3/29 10:32:45 times

Boao forum for Asia "dialogue of religious leaders" sub-forum held a media meeting (photo: hongfa temple, shenzhen)

Master Yin shun, vice chairman of Buddhism association of China and chairman of Buddhism association of hainan province (photo: hongfa temple, shenzhen)

Master jing yao, chairman of the "Chinese buddhist church" in Taiwan and abbot of the tzufa zen temple in Taipei (photo: hongfa temple, shenzhen)

Master kuan wan, chairman of the buddhist federation of Hong Kong and abbot of the western temple (photo: hongfa temple, shenzhen)

Question from phoenix TV (photo: hongfa temple, shenzhen)

Question from CCTV (photo: hongfa temple, shenzhen)

Question from radio channel (photo: hongfa temple, shenzhen)


    The boao forum for Asia annual conference 2019 (bfa) kicked off at 10 am on March 28, 2019. More than 2,000 guests from all walks of life from around the world gathered to explore ways for prosperity and development in Asia and beyond.

    On the afternoon of March 28, with the keen attention of people from all walks of life, the media meeting of the religious sub-forum with the theme of "sharing the same root, walking together -- let the light of wisdom illuminate the future" came as expected.Master Yin shun, vice-chairman of the buddhist association of China and chairman of the buddhist association of hainan province, master jing yao, chairman of the buddhist church of China in Taiwan and abbot of the tzufa zen temple in Taipei, and master kuan yun, chairman of the buddhist federation of Hong Kong and abbot of the western temple, were interviewed by the media.Reporters from dozens of mainstream media, including xinhua news agency, China central television, China news service, hainan daily, haikou daily, People's Daily, China news, phoenix TV, attended the media meeting.

    Five years boao, five years wish.Meeting in the media, Yin shun mage said, in the economy as the start of the boao Asia BBS established religions BBS, is the focus center of hope in the world's business elite compassion and love to the world, the economy in high speed development, has a stable force, let us run at a rapid pace also can find the way home.This BBS five points, not only called for the northern, southern, exchanges and integration between three Tibetan Buddhism tradition, but also carried out, including Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, exchanges and integration among the world's major religions, not only religious groups dialogue and exchanges with Asian countries, also carry out dialogue and exchanges between eastern and western civilizations, all sound, all point of view, all religions are exciting show on the same platform, spread the voice of compassion and love together, to build a community of human destiny into the power of religion, the wisdom of the contribution and harmony.

    Net yao mage in Taiwan and Hong Kong wide ship the mage also is the theme of this BBS, respectively, people who share the same "concentric" answered questions from reporters, said common destiny, act together and common development is the premise of mutual understanding, five years of religious BBS, spent so much of the strength, is wants to let the world's religious groups through exchanges and dialogue for consensus, common line will protect peace and common development, and this is the real value of BBS boao religious points.

    Phoenix TV: master Yin shun raised the concept of Buddhism in the south China sea at the first boao sub-forum of religions in 2015. Please share with us your understanding of Buddhism in the south China sea. In addition, you think that China can play a role in promoting friendly exchanges and building consensus among the people in the pan-south China sea region.

Master Yin shun: in 2012, I served as the chairman of the Buddhism association of hainan. At that time, hainan had a population of less than 8 million, and buddhist temples and monks were very rare.How to develop Buddhism in hainan, leaving the "sea", is a word "difficult".However, if the south China sea is taken as a region, Buddhism is the main belief of the countries in the pan-south China sea region, so it is totally possible to use Buddhism as a bond to enhance the exchanges between neighboring countries and enhance the feelings of the people of all countries.

    Buddhism in the south China sea is a big concept, which includes both historical and cultural elements and a large geographical range.To be specific, it is a large and open buddhist circle with Chinese Buddhism as the center, radiating outward and crossing the vast sea.The common belief of Buddhism in the south China sea is Buddha, and Buddhism is the most peace-promoting religion. With the willingness to worship Buddha together, Buddhism in all countries in the south China sea region can join hands with heart to heart and jointly promote peace and stability in the south China sea.

    Over the years, the Buddhism of the south China sea from two platforms: one is the boao Asia BBS BBS religious points, the other one is in shenzhen, we have held three consecutive terms of the Buddhism of the south China sea shenzhen roundtable, Buddhism with pan of the south China sea countries agreed to conduct dialogue and exchanges, spread the voice of the Chinese buddhist peace, let the power of the religious peace into the "area" construction, to protect the peace of the south China sea, and the south China sea.

    Doing is better than saying.Buddhism in the south China sea not only focuses on dialogue and exchange, but also pays more attention to the unity of knowledge and practice.After several years of efforts, our construction of the south China sea institute of recruit overseas XueSeng have since last year, we are cooperating with 10 countries of south China "the Buddhism of the south China sea big data", set up "the south China sea silk road fund", set up "the culture of the south China sea institute", "" the Buddhism of the south China sea shenzhen roundtable" and set up a secretariat of the Buddhism of the south China sea shenzhen roundtable, and so on work, about the blueprint of the Buddhism of the south China sea, some are already fell to the ground, some are on the road, but the concept of the Buddhism of the south China sea has been as the country "area" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

    CCTV: master yinshun, when we interviewed you last year, you used the wisdom of Buddhism to explain the role of Buddhism in One Belt And One Road. What are the main points and themes you will emphasize in the Buddhism forum tomorrow? Thank you.

    Yin shun mage: religious BBS, five years from 2015 - "the golden mean and comprehensive harmony force of good will", 2016 "heart put the flat - willing to peer with the asia-pacific dream", 2017 "law breasts are homologous, focused and symbiosis, wisdom and may force golden link", 2018 "line of philately, heart hand is linked together, build the human destiny community", to will host the same roots, concentric counterparts - let the light to illuminate the future of wisdom ", is derived from the wisdom of Buddhism and harmony.The three mages we are sitting here today are from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, but we all share the same belief in Buddha, we all share the same ancestor, we all share the same nation.The dharma is the dharma of mind. Buddhism speaks of no heart, altruism, compassion and bodhi.When it comes to my heart, everyone knows that a few days ago our acquisition when chairman during the meeting with Italian speaker said a word "I shall not I, not the people", without my state is the state of bodhisattva, in my realm, there is no this love and those love, we are a family, community, is fate without various respectively, we can together create a better future, in a world of felt, to go sailing in the wind is blown broad spring tides occur co-prosperity coexistence.Buddhism is harmonious, but also active to enter the world, not for their own comfort, I hope that living beings from suffering.In fact, leaving the living beings, leaving the world, leaving the present, not only Buddhism, any religion is meaningless.Therefore, we have been working hard to meet you in boao every year. Every year, we can always fulfill our wishes on the way.

    Voice of the straits radio: how can master jingyao make use of the buddhist exchanges in religious division to contribute to the development of cross-straits relations in the new situation? Thank you.

    Master jingyao: no matter how familiar you are with people, if you do not walk, then familiar people will be unfamiliar.The two sides of the Taiwan straits are the same family. The background of the past has led to estrangement across the Taiwan strait.Whether our nation's feelings or religious feelings, since this is the same, although we separated for a long time, everyone's way of thinking has a difference, but it doesn't matter, as long as to realize a, is the same roots, we can communicate each other, seek common, from the exchange of different to assimilation, slowly with the combination of different tolerance, we communicate with each other, further from the inclusive believe that blood is thicker than water days should be just around the corner.

    Hong Kong satellite TV: I would like to ask master kuan yun to explain the "common destiny, common action and common development" of the boao forum for Asia annual conference 2019 from a buddhist perspective. Thank you.

    Master kuan wan: I am very impressed by the theme of this year's annual meeting.We all share a common destiny. We are all people of the earth.The concept of sentient beings in Buddhism, of course, should first solve the problem of our human beings, why common destiny, common action, common development, because today's world is not very safe, there is a lot of protectionism.But the world tide is yearning for peace, the people of the world are yearning for peace.Today I came from Hong Kong, the hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge has been opened, the construction of the greater bay area is under way, and the construction of hainan free trade zone is in full swing.Buddha said that a pure heart is a pure land, we are all human beings, our hearts toward the country, toward the world, toward all beings, the world can be more peaceful, the world can be more beautiful.So I want you to spread the voice of religion, spread the voice of buddhist compassion.I am very happy to see master Yin shun, master jing yao, the voice of Buddhism in the boao forum for Asia. I think this forum is very meaningful.(text: peng xiaoyun)

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