Print master

2019/4/8 14:37:03 times


Introduction to printing light master

    Master yinguang (1861(xin younian) ~ 1940 (geng chennian)), namely shi yinguang, the dharma name saint, the word yinguang, claimed to be often ashamed of the monk, and because of admiration for the Buddhism pure land sect kaishan ancestral master -- that year in the lushan cultivation of the huiyuan master, so the name followed lu traveler.Master common surname zhao, first name dangui, word shao yi, buzi ren.He Yang, shaanxi (today heyang) mengzhuang township chicheng east village people.He is one of the most influential figures in the revival of Buddhism, especially the pure land sect.The master is highly respected among buddhists. He is good friends with eminent monks such as xuyun, taixu and zhixian in modern times, and hongyi is even revered as his teacher.

Biography of master Yin guang

  Young monks

  Master Yin guang (1861-1940), the name of the holy quantity, often called ashamed monk.Chidong village, lujing town, heyang county, shaanxi province, common surname zhao, name shao yi, zi ren.When I was young, I read Confucian books with my brother.Because of reading the books of cheng zhu, han and ou, and being influenced by them, Buddha was created.After the age of 15, after several years of sickness, you have to read buddhist sutras.In the seventh year of the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty (1881), the master was 21 years old.In the following year, he went to xingan county, shaanxi province (now hanbin district, ankang city), shuangxi temple, yinhai lawyer's seat, to be abdicated.Previously, when I was drying sutras at lianhua temple in zhuxi county, hubei province, I had to read the remnants of the text of long shu pure land, and learned the wisdom of chanting Buddhism.Since childhood, I was almost blind, and even when I was dedicated to Buddha, I was cured.Life self - change him, a pure land for return, that is, from here.

  And Buddha experience

    Later, wen hongluo mountain zifu temple is dedicated to pure land ashram, at the age of 26, quit the teacher to the next year, the first month towards the completion of the five, still back to zifu.In October of the same year, he entered nianfo hall and was later appointed as the master of incense lamp, liao yuan and Tibet.During this period, in addition to chanting the Buddha, I studied the mahayana classics.

    At the age of 30, to Beijing longquan temple when the hall, ascetic peifu, meditation, long raise the holy fetus.The next year, I lived in the yuanguang temple for two years. When I entered putuo mountain fayu temple, the monk hua wen welcomed the "dragon".

    At the age of 34, at the request of all the members of the temple, he finished his speech on "Buddha said amitabha buddhist sutra to solve the problem of Mongolian currency", which was closed at the side of the jewelry hall, two periods of six years.After the customs, live in maopeng.At the age of 44, for wenzhou toutuo temple, please go back to the north, still live in the temple.So far, a monk for 30 years, the end of the qing dynasty, always bide your time.

  He preached a sermon

        In the second year of the republic of China (1912), at the age of 52, gao henian, a lay scholar, took several master articles and published them in Shanghai buddhist cong bao the following year.At the age of 57, xu weizu wrote three books with his friends.The second year, and more than 20 master manuscripts, printed in Beijing, back to: "yinguang master notes."At the age of 60, he collected dozens of master manuscripts and made two volumes, which were published in the commercial press and woodcut in the yangzhou academy of Tibetan classics.After that, it was enlarged again and again, and was printed in zhonghua book company, with the title of "enlarged master Yin guang's banknote".Its classical words and expressions see noble truth, the word return to the ancestor, on the Buddha's purpose, under the contract group machine, give play to zen pure arcane, difficult to choose the method, hair predecessors did not send.

    In the eleventh year of the republic of China, the teacher was 62 years old. The jiangsu compulsory education association was founded and the buddhist community was in an uproar. The master ran for it and spared no effort to protect the temple.In the same year, at the request of tao zaidong, governor of dinghai, he recommended master zhi DE to teach the book of an shi in prison, advocating the doctrine of karma and pure land.In the same year, tao zaidong and the meeting of the ji road Yin huang han zhihui master daoxing deeds reported to the government, please give the title "savvy yuan Ming" plaque.Ben sent to putuo, fragrant flowers to provide, flourishing, su su praise, joy, but the master signed otherwise.One of the questioners answered, "empty pavilion, since no sheng DE, ashamed, glory from where?"At the age of 69 in the 18th year of the republic of China, he was invited by the buddhist masters of the world in Shanghai.

  Work into parinirvana


    Throughout his life, the master devoted himself to frugality and generosity. He provided for people with good faith and offered incense to them, but he never went into his own pocket.

    The master had long wanted to retire, living in suzhou in February of the republic of China, covering about the reported state temple, after school is revised four famous mountains and mountains, 26 years old winter, due to the war of resistance, should be miao zhen monk please, move tin lingyan mountain temple to live.Chinese and foreign believers come to the temple to ask for help, the master to the mercy of the people to enlighten, fold and practice, so that the listener will be convinced.

    29 years old (80 years old).On the fourth day of the fourth lunar month, the master predicted the time to sit and chant Buddha, an xiangsheng west, monk wax 60.The next year on February 15, the tea was very rich.Monks and laymen built a pagoda on the top of lingyan mountain, and on September 19, the year of the republic of China, they installed their teacher, sari feng, into the pagoda.During his life, the master was strict with his Bini and meticulous. He recited the Buddha at six o 'time, kept his three professions pure and pure, and emphasized the importance of Buddhism.Later generations honored the master as the 13th ancestor of the pure land sect.

The works of master Yin guang

  《Master printer's notes

 Currently, there are seven volumes of the complete works of master yinguang in existence. The first three volumes are the works of master yinguang himself, namely the first volume of master yinguang wenbanknote (augmented edition), the second volume of master yinguang wenbanknote renewal (second edition), and the third volume of master yinguang wenbanknote three volumes (external edition).

  《Printed light master speech record


    "Jia yan lu" was compiled by li yuanjing. The book was divided into ten thirty-eight chapters, which were extracted from "augmented wenchao" (the first volume of "complete works").The source of the selected records, a certain volume of a page, are recorded in detail, according to the full text of "wen chao" read each other.

    Jiayanlu is characterized by its interception of the essence of wenchao and its grouping into one category. In each category, or those with similar meanings often appear, which is to help readers pay attention to them repeatedly, hoping to quickly end their doubts and give rise to confidence.In addition, wen chao is so extensive that it may be difficult to make a brief distinction at the beginning. Therefore, I prefer to read the book of jia yan to avoid reading too much or giving up my intention to study Buddhism.Therefore, the appendix wenchao is attached to the list of "jia yan lu", hoping that those who have not studied Buddhism can follow the second step into the buddhist path.

        Similarly, there are also many people who are inspired to convert to Buddhism and worship Buddhism as soon as they read the book.This is the incredible part of "jia yan lu".

  《Yinguang master jia yan recompiled

  The continuation of the collection of jia yan was compiled by master guangjue and xu zhiyi, two scholars, who made an extract of the continuation of the collection of wen chao (the second volume of the complete works) and divided it into ten chapters.It was completed in 1932 (1943), the third year after the death of master Yin guang.Since the book is an introduction to pure land, the book is also the same.


  The continuation of the collection of jia yan was compiled by master guangjue and xu zhiyi, two scholars, who made an extract of the continuation of the collection of wen chao (the second volume of the complete works) and divided it into ten chapters.It was completed in 1932 (1943), the third year after the death of master Yin guang.Since the book is an introduction to pure land, the book is also the same.

  《Never thought set


        As the name implies is to imprint light master memorial collection.In the thirty years of the republic of China (1941) solution element of zhonghua Chen mass householder, compile ten square Zi extol printing master light articles.The four disciples of pu ling admired what they saw, respected what they did and learned from it.

        The contents of yongsi collection include biographies of great masters, such as industry records, brief biographies, brief histories, ascetic notes, etc.Master's posthumous teachings -- self-narration, letters, instructions, etc.;The seven poems -- eulogies, eulogies, couplets, etc.In this chapter, the first section of the biography of master Yin guang is based on the materials compiled by the collection of eternal thoughts.

  《The second edition of yongsi collection

  He initiated a text collection to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the great master of light printing (1994).Among them, there are the bodhi tree issue 97, the 20th anniversary special issue of Yin guangda, the teacher and student west, and more than 10 articles, all of which are excellent works of the great master in Taiwan;There are fu yingtuo master and other six letters, "wenchao", "yongsi collection" is not included.To remind the world of the nature of memorial, master Yin light in the endless sea of Numbers, why the only Buddha dharma people, why the pure land of the three universal, nine salty harvest, adapt to the end dharma living beings."Yongsi collection" and "yongsi collection" were compiled in the fifth volume of "complete works of master Yin guang".


  He initiated a text collection to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the great master of light printing (1994).Among them, there are the bodhi tree issue 97, the 20th anniversary special issue of Yin guangda, the teacher and student west, and more than 10 articles, all of which are excellent works of the great master in Taiwan;There are fu yingtuo master and other six letters, "wenchao", "yongsi collection" is not included.To remind the world of the nature of memorial, master Yin light in the endless sea of Numbers, why the only Buddha dharma people, why the pure land of the three universal, nine salty harvest, adapt to the end dharma living beings."Yongsi collection" and "yongsi collection" were compiled in the fifth volume of "complete works of master Yin guang".



It is listed in the seventh volume of "the complete works of master Yin guang". It is for guangding dharma master to go abroad several times in person to collect the materials of masters' dispatch, and also to search and collect the relics contained in honghua monthly >, as well as the related manuscripts of masters in various buddhist monthly magazines.Hence the birth of the memorial collection.Read "memorial collection" more can understand the great and noble of the light of the great master, worthy of the 13th pure land.

 《A theory of the five classics


        In 1933, master Yin guang officially designated the sutra of infinite longevity, the sutra of observing infinite longevity, the amitabha sutra, the bodhisattva da shi to recite the Buddha's yuantong chapter, the bodhisattva puxian to perform vows and the treatise on eternal life as the sutra of the five sutras of the pure land as the model for future generations to recite, which fully reflected the good suffering and profound intentions of the ancestors.

Last:XuYun Master

Next:The end

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